The BiomedRx Health Center provides elective services that promote wellness, peak performance, anti-aging, and life extension. Our holistic and alternative health practices help to maximize quality of life. We do not perform diagnostic or therapeutic medicine of any kind. Similar to a gymnasium, the focus of the BiomedRx Health Center is to maximize human potential. Our services are performed in accordance with the CALIFORNIA HEALTH FREEDOM ACT SB-577.
EEG biofeedback is another name for neurofeedback. It is a biomedical technology that restores the brain to it's natural balance. Sections of the cerebral cortex can become dysregulated as a result of traumatic events (physical or emotional), injury, toxins, genetics, ongoing stress or boredom. Neurofeedback helps the brain re-establish self regulation. This helps restore the brain to a state of calm and focus, promotes better sleep and control of emotional states, and produces a state of happiness and well being, improving the overall quality of life.
Athletic Peak Performance
BiomedRx provides holistic and alternative health services that promote peak mental and physical performance. Our services are especially valuable to professional athletes, executives, and peak performers of all disciplines. Neurofeedback, or EEG biofeedback is an electronic means of restoring the brain to its natural balance. This training is invaluable to athletes in high-pressure sports, where calmness, clarity, mental stamina, and increased emotional control are key to achieving athletic success. The 2006 Italian soccer team has attributed neurofeedback to their World Cup success. Elite athletes such as golf great Tiger Woods, Olympic beach volleyball champion Kerri Walsh-Jennings, basketball champ Chris Kaman, and major leaguer Brian Barden all use neurofeedback to maintain a competitive advantage over the competition. Neurofeedback training prepares the brain for peak performance. The results of our neurofeedback training are:
Neurofeedback enhances an athlete’s ability to access the critical mental/physical state referred to as “the zone”, where peak athletic performance seems effortless. This state of spiritual centeredness combined with physical agility and power results in consistent and repeatable athletic perfection. Neurofeedback helps calm the mind, and silence both internal and external “noise” or distracting thoughts. This ability comes in handy during high-pressure moments in any sport. Free throws while blocking out screaming fans in basketball, quarterbacks working under pressure in football, batters working with the bases loaded in baseball, all team members during the crunch of the final few moments of a game. These are just a few examples of how the brain fitness achieved through neurofeedback training benefit team-sport athletes. Individual competitors such as golfers, archers, boxers and marksmen also benefit from the enhanced cognitive performance brought on by neurofeedback training.
The BiomedRx Health Center combines neurofeedback training with Biomagnetic pair therapy. While neurofeedback promotes improved cognitive performance, biomagnetic pair therapy uses pairs of permanent magnets to restore the body to a state of pH balance. This empowers the body’s own immune system to defend against virus, bacteria, fungi and other pathogens that cause pH imbalances and lead to illness. We have found the combination of neurofeedback and Biomagnetic pair therapy to be greater than the sum of its parts. Both therapies increase the effectiveness of the other.
We invite you to experience the unique combination of therapies and training available to peak performers at the BiomedRx Health Center.
Following is a list of the conditions and symptoms effectively addressed by neurofeedback therapy.
Attention and Learning
Client testimonials

Dick Gregory and Devin Lockett at the BiomedRx Health Center